Contributed extensions

Note that the support and development status varies for these. Please evaluate each extension for yourself (or ask the advice of an expert) before installing them on a production Aegir system.

"Golden" Contrib

Included in Aegir package

These ship with Aegir (the Golden Contrib suite of modules) so their features simply require enabling if desired. See the guidelines for inclusion. For the others, manual installation is required.

Hosting CiviCRM

Module to configure settings and cron jobs specific to CiviCRM.

Hosting Git

This is a simple module for the Aegir project that adds a 'Git pull', 'Git checkout' and 'Git clone' task for sites. It's the successor of Hosting Site Git & Hosting Platform Git.

Hosting Remote Import

Provides a UI for fetching sites from remote Aegir servers.

Hosting Site Backup Manager

Extends the backup functionality of Aegir. It adds a tab to the site content type. The tab shows the backups and enables per backup actions (Restore, Delete and Get).

Hosting Storage

Provides some flexibility around how and where to store files for sites provisioned with Aegir.

Hosting Tasks Extra

This module extends Aegir hostmaster (and drush/provision) with some additional tasks:

  • Revert features
  • Flush all caches
  • Rebuild registry
  • Run cron
  • Sync data (between sites)
  • Run DB schema updates

It also includes site functionality for:

Hosting User Manage

User Manage extends the Aegir Hosting UI with the ability to manage site users (Add, Cancel, Block, Unblock) via the Aegir backend without the need to run any Drush command. The following user management tasks are provided: user add, user cancel, user block, user unblock. The module has not been updated since 2017. YMMV.

Aegir Deploy

This module extends Aegir's platform deployment strategies by improving the user experience for the Create Platform form. It also provides a couple new such strategies, including the building platforms from Composer packages via project templates, and git-based deployments than maintain platform immutability.

Aegir Objects

This API-only module provides some base classes and traits to make object-oriented development of Aegir 3.x easier. It does not provide any functionality of it's own, and should only be installed when required by another extension.

Front-end Extensions

While these modules are not included in the base Aegir distribution, they can be added easily, since the are (mostly) just Drupal modules. As such, they can be installed in the usual way.

However, we recommend instead maintaining a custom Aegir makefile that can include any of these modules (or themes). Such custom Aegir makefiles are supported by:

Aegir Cloud

Aegir Cloud allows Aegir to create servers directly in cloud hosting providers like IBM Softlayer and Amazon Web Services.

Aegir Config Management

This module provides config-export and config-import commands for Aegir.

Aegir Distributions

This module simplifies and further automates platform maintenance and site updates. A distribution is a "type" or "flavour" of platform. It could just as easily be an off-the-shelf package like OpenAtrium or Thunder, as a custom cobe-base specific to a client's use-case.

Aegir Feeds

Provides Feeds integration with Aegir.


This module enables HTTPS support for sites using certificate management services such as Let's Encrypt, whose support is included.

It provides a cleaner, more sustainable and more extensible implementation that what's currently offered in Aegir SSL within Aegir core, and doesn't require workarounds such as Hosting Let's Encrypt.

Aegir Kubernetes

This module adds Kubernetes support by allowing for hosting of any containerized application (via Docker for now) with resource definition files.

Aegir Network

Allow inter-communication between Aegir servers (to address the "smart nodes" use case). The point is to centralize information to facilitate management of multiple servers.

Aegir Reporting

This module provides a reporting framework. It builds atop the Aegir Monitoring API to report on the health of hosted sites. It ships with some basic probes, but is intended to be extended, as with Aegir Site Audit.

Aegir Rules

Provides integration with the Rules module to enable actions on various triggers. Related to Hosting Notifications.

Aegir Services

Aims to be a one-stop shop for all Web services functionality offered within Aegir. It allows for remote site management via the Services framework.

The Aegir SaaS sub-module sets up a fully functional endpoint (via the base module's API) allowing for remote administration of sites, notably cloning existing sites, for software-as-a-service (SaaS) / site-factory Aegir set-ups. It fully configures a service endpoint providing common parameters for cloning as configured in the module's settings. Using the API's task resource, sites can also be disabled, enabled, deleted, and have any other task performed on them supported by your Aegir installation. See the module's README for more information.

Aegir Site Probes

This module fetches information from sites for use in other hosting modules.

Aegir Solr

Allows Solr servers to be added to Aegir. Once you have a server, you can give an Aegir Site a Solr database as easily as choosing it's DB Server.

Hosting Clean

Provides tools to delete completed tasks, stuck tasks, and empty the hosting task log.

Hosting Dev

This is a suite of tools to enable smoother development using Aegir. It is currently simply a port of the hosting_reinstall module to Aegir 3.

Hosting Drush Backup

Provides a provision command and a task in the hostmaster interface to create backups using drush archive-dump instead of the normal provision-backup code.

Hosting DNS

DNS server integration for Aegir, previously included in core.

Hosting Drulenium

This module adds Drulenium tasks to be performed on an Aegir managed site.

Hosting Filemanager

Provides a web file browser for the AEgir hosting system, under a site or platform.

Hosting Injections

Adds fields for injecting custom settings into settings.php and the Apache vhost.

Hosting Let's Encrypt

Deprecated. Use Aegir HTTPS instead.

This module replaces self-generated Aegir certificates with Let's Encrypt ones.

Hosting Logs

This is a simple module for the Aegir project that adds a 'Logs' tab to sites and platforms. Showing Apache error, Git commit and watchdog logs.

Hosting Migrate Module

This module allows to launch migrate import through the Aegir interface.

Hosting Notifications

Integrates with the Notifications framework. This allows you to receive notifications about task execution in various formats, Email, Twitter, iPhone etc. Related to Aegir Rules.

Hosting Piwik

Integrates with an instance of the Piwik analytic software package and the Drupal Piwik module.

Hosting Site Make

Allows a site to have its modules built from a makefile in the sites directory.

Hosting Task Graphs

Adds graphs to visualize task duration evolution over time for Aegir hosting tasks.

Hosting Task Garbage Collection

"Aegir - Hosting Task GC Extra" helps to delete the older tasks and their logs. It adds extra power to the standard garbage collection.

Hosting Variables

Allows you to set arbitrary custom Drupal variables for each site, such as site name and slogan. These variables will be put in settings.php so can't be overriden (or changed) through the site interface.

Hosting Webhooks

Provides webhook endpoints allowing third party services (e.g. GitHub, GitLab and Azure Alerts) to trigger task creation (e.g. adding servers) in your Aegir server.

It also supports configuring Services on these Servers, and adding and removing them to and from Webpack clusters. Finally, Azure scalesets can be mapped to Webpack clusters such that scaleset operations are automatically reflected in Aegir.

Hosting Wordpress

Module to manage WordPress sites. It aims to support the main Aegir functionality, such as installation, upgrade, migration and backups.

Hosting Tasks: Jenkins Queue

This module allows using Jenkins as a Hosting Task Runner.

S3 Aegir Integration

Allows Aegir to provision AWS S3 buckets for hosted sites. See the Amazon S3 storage service ticket for background.

Extensions to Provision (backend)

Starting from Aegir 7.x-3.x the Drush component can be included in a 'drush' directory in the same git repository as the hosting module.

Therefore this list will be shorter then for previous versions.

Provision STS

Adds the Strict Transport Security header to hosts that require SSL.

Extensions to client sites

These modules are not for hostmaster, but for the sites hosted under Aegir.

Aegir Pathologic Files

A tiny Drupal Module to simplify file paths in content. This helps prevent broken images when the site directory name changes. Requires an apache rewrite rule to point /files to /sites/, which Aegir provides by default.

Site Quota Enforcer

Enforces quotas set for the entire Drupal site. It works by preventing new entities from being creating on form submission if associated resources are at or past their limits.

Currently supported limits are the number of users and the amount of storage (the combined files and database size).


Configuration management

Those projects allow you to manage Aegir instance(s) through a configaration management tool.


Aegir Development VM

This project is intended to provide a simple Vagrant-based VM for Aegir development. Besides local VMs, external ones are also supported for those developers whose local machines aren't powerful enough to run VirtualBox.

Aegir Development Environment

A couple of scripts for easier Aegir development using Docker.

Valkyrie (deprecated)

This tool is deprecated, having been replaced by Aegir Development VM, above.

Valkyrie is an opinionated development stack that makes features/git based Drupal development easy.

Features include: * Everything is wrapped up neatly in a VM. This keeps your computer tidy and Valkyrie consistent across various machines. * Folders in the VM are mounted from your computer via NFS to make developing with your favorite editor easy (we like Vim). * Automatic domain resolution using vagrant-dns on Macs or Avahi on Linux systems (we haven't tested this on Windows, sorry). Each site you create on Valkyrie will get an automatically resolving domain name which keeps you from needing to hack your /etc/hosts file. * Drush extensions to make all kinds of common development tasks easy. * Automatic Drush aliases for running commands against sites inside the VM. Development & Support

While provide release on, mostly to allow for installation via: drush dl valkyrie, development happens on Github at: GetValkyrie

Aegir up (deprecated)

This tool is deprecated, having been replaced by Valkyrie, above.

Aegir-up is a Drush extension that deploys a local instance of the Aegir Hosting System atop Vagrant and Virtualbox, for development and testing purposes.


Aegir Site Subscriptions

Adds e-commerce to the Aegir ecosystem by associating hosted sites with customer subscriptions via recurring billing. Communicates with the Aegir API over Web services.

This module allows clients to pay for hosted Drupal sites controlled by the Aegir Hosting System. When a new subscription notification is received, a new site will be provisioned. Overdue payments (e.g. failed credit card billing attempts) will disable and eventually delete sites. The amount of time for each is configurable.

The module acts as a plug-in manager with the goal of supporting several subscription providers. It receives notifications from the active service provider, and then acts on those notifications by sending requests to the hosting system.


Skynet is an experimental replacement for the Aegir Hosting System's Queue Daemon. It is written in Python using Cement.


DevShop is a Drupal Development Environment Manager built on Aegir.

DevShop creates Aegir platforms and sites automatically from Git URLs. It tracks multiple Projects and allows multiple environments to be created for each Project, such as dev, test, and live. It provides tools to Pull Code, Sync Data, Commit Features, and Run Tests on these environments, and provides a dashboard with useful links and information for developers.

Aegir Helpers

Command line helper tools, notably to find zombie databases left over from failed migrate or clone tasks. Packaged as a PHP archive (PHAR), view the releases for a pre-packaged executable.

Your extension here?

Developers: Please add your contributed extensions here. Pull requests welcome on GitHub.